Questions About Asthma

Is asthma hereditary?

Not in itself, but the tendency or predisposition to develop the condition can be.

Is asthma contagious?

No. Asthma is not contagious or a communicable disease. It cannot be transmitted from one person to another by any physical contact

Do asthma medicines with steroids have side effects?

Asthma medicine with steroids taken orally can cause serious effects since they travel in the bloodstream and may affect other body parts. Inhaled steroids, like inhalers or puffers, have fewer side effects because they go directly to the lungs. Puffers or inhaled steroids can interfere with the natural defenses of the throat thus causing husky voice and sore throat due to fungal infection. It is usually advised by doctors to gurgle or rinse mouth with water after inhalation to decrease the amount of steroids in the throat or doctors may advise anti-fungal medicine. High doses (higher than average prescribed doses) of inhaled steroids taken for a long time are more likely to have similar side effects to oral steroids. Bones may become less dense with high doses of steroids and may result to osteoporosis and thinning of the bones. There were also reports that it could increase the risk of glaucoma and cataracts

Seek medical help regarding inhaled steroids; do not stop inhaled steroid unless prescribed by your doctor.

Is beta blockers an asthma trigger?

Beta blockers are medications use for the treatment of other diseases like heart disease. Beta blockers are not used in people with asthma because of concerns that this may triggers asthma attacks. If you are taking beta blockers and experience breathing problems, seek urgent medical care.

Is asthma curable?

Asthma cannot be cured but can be well-managed. Although not cured it can be controlled by prescription medicines and medical devices.

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