If Effective, Drug-free Asthma and Allergy Treatments Really Exist, Why Doesn't Your Doctor Know?

One reason your doctor may be unaware of an effective, natural drug-free asthma and allergy treatment is that they generally are very busy and simply don't have the time to do the research about it. The main reason, is that many traditional doctors don't believe in natural treatments and think that drugs are the only acceptable routes to take. The reality is drug companies often fund medical schools. These huge multi-national drug companies spend billions of dollars a year to create and promote drugs that they want doctors to prescribe and you to keep using. They spend multi-millions on advertising and funding medical schools to convince doctors and the public that drugs are the best and only solution to asthma and allergies. They will even go to great lengths to discredit natural practitioners and natural treatments. The bottom line is money: they would like you to continue to buy their expensive drugs and doctors want you to continue visiting them or they would both be out of business. The sad part is these drugs are expensive, usually don't work very well since they only mask the asthma or allergy symptoms, even worse, they have dangerous side effects. If you currently take asthma drugs, knowing what the side effects are is important. For a listing and description of asthma drug side effects caused by the drugs you may be taking please see http://asthmainfopage.blogspot.com/2007/12/asthma-drug-side-effects-are-often.html

Taking responsibility for your own health is the first major step and the fact that you are reading this indicates that you may be interested in investigating natural or alternative solutions for your asthma and allergy symptoms. If you are interested in learning more information about safe, effective drug-free solutions to your asthma and allergies please visit: Drug-Free Asthma and Allergy Cure