When Having Sex Triggers An Asthma Attack- You Really Don't Have to Live Like a Monk If You Have Asthma

Sex can be a wonderful expression of love between two people, sadly, however for some asthma sufferers all that heavy breathing can actually trigger an asthma attack by drying out the airways. Fortunately, there is a solution that will make you and your partner happy.

Exercise induced asthma is quite common and the general consensus is to avoid those activities that trigger it, but avoiding love-making can certainly put a strain on any relationship.

There are several things that you can do ensure an active love life:

Since the bedroom is often where love-making actives take place, you will need to ensure that dust mites (a major asthma trigger, which live in your bedding and rugs) are reduced as much as possible. See this article on Dust Mites for more details on how to eliminate them.

Moist, warm air prevents the airways from becoming dry, so using a good humidifier in the bedroom/home will help those who live in a dry climate.

Next, if you are out of shape, you will need to increase your fitness level gradually by activities such as yoga, walking, cycling and swimming. Those allergic to chlorine should find a warm lake or sea to swim in. Continuous running can trigger asthma, so team sports that require short bursts of running are far better. Avoiding temperature changes is also important: cold air entering the lungs at a rapid rate will dry out the airways and cause an asthma attack. Working out in gym is a good alternative to exercising outdoors in cold weather.

When you have strengthened your lungs through exercise and applied the simple preventative measures in the bedroom, you are much more likely to enjoy lovemaking without threat of an asthma attack. Download Dramatic Asthma Relief Report